Microcapsules and encapsulation techniques

Encapsulation of cells and biomolecules in hydrogels
  • Encapsulation or embedding of cells in polymeric materials for bio and tissue engineering products: Encapsulation of human mesenchymal progenitor cells
    (Endres, M., et al. (2010). ACTA BIOMATER 6: 436-444.)

  • Development and production of microcapsules for the controlled release of drugs and bioactive substances

  • Development of quality control procedures for microcapsule-based medical products
    (Schuldt, U., et al. (2018). FOOD HYDROCOLLOID: in press.)
Development of special microcapsules

Sporopollenin microcapsules


These microcapsules are used for size exclusion chromatography of macromolecules (reverse purification) with very high cut-off for separation.
(Woehlecke, H., et al. (2009). BIOFORUM Europe (8-9): 38)

They consist of the biopolymer sporopollenin, are mechanically stable and are characterized by high pressure resistance and very good filtration properties.

The thin capsule membrane contains numerous pores with a diameter of about 200 nm and allows an effective separation of very large polymers.

Elution of high and low molecular weight carbohydrates
(a) Dextran T5000 (1%), (b) Dextran T2000 (1%),
(c) Dextran T70 (1%), (d) Sucrose (1%)

Fractionation of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid
by SEC on sporopollenin microcapsules


Other microcapsules


By introducing additional solid, liquid or gaseous substances in microcapsules or spheres, capsule properties such as density, strength or transparency can be changed and adapted to specific requirements.

This has been used, for example, for the density adjustment of special microcapsules for tracking the flow rate by means of particle image velocimetry (PIV).
(Debaene, P., et al. (2005). J VISUAL-JAPAN 8: 305-313)

